Opioid and Addiction Treatment in Texas
We have a doctor that can see you today!
Seva Med Care has been treating opioid and other addictions for over 5 years.
We have successfully treated hundreds of patients with opioid use disorder. Our program is directed by a Board certified addiction medicine physician, with over 25 years of experience in treating all types of chemical addictions. Our program, mostly revolves around medical treatments for addiction coupled with behavioral health referrals as needed.
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Addiction Treatment
Detoxification and Evaluations
Most of our practice revolves around the use of buprenorphine for the detoxification and ongoing treatment for opioid use disorder. Our success rate is high, around 75% or more the last time we looked at that number. We also offer Naltrexone injections for opiate use disorder when appropriate. We also offer evaluations for addiction, and recommend appropriate approach for treatment.
Addiction Medication Treatments
We provide medication treatments for alcohol use disorder when appropriate, and are experienced in the use of all these medications. We are also skilled and experienced in the use of buprenorphine for pain, particularly those patients with true chronic pain who have developed issues with their standard opioid pain treatment. Besides an addiction medicine specialist, we have another buprenorphine physician, and 3 Nurse Practitioners that are certified and trained the use of buprenorphine.